
Project C on dosomething.org


Yesterday, Project C was featured on the Do Something website as the 'Project of the Day'.

We're happy to see our audience growing with the help of Do Something, a nonprofit organization based in New York City that acts as a hub for volunteer projects across the country. They also provide a number of grants and scholarships.

Be sure to check out Project C on Do Something.


Two days down!

We wanted to share an overview of the analytics to the site for the first two days! We are excited to see the amount of participation we are seeing.

The votes just keep coming in and we see the passion of this community coming to the surface. We appreciate the kind words we have been receiving on the project. Only 5 days left!

Some notes:

  • We are still taking in donations until the end of this week and we have all the information you need in the donate tab of this blog.


Having Voting Problems?

We couldn't be more proud of the project's reception on its first day of launch! If you haven't seen the stories please visit www.clickingcreateschange.com !

It has come to our attention that for some reason or another the voting system might not be working with older computers or browsers. With this in mind, the team wants to invite anyone having these issues to please send their two votes via email to donate@clickingcreateschange.com.

We have decided on this course of action in order to uphold the integrity of what the end purpose of this project is. The end purpose of Project C is to give the community a voice, not to limit its voice because of technology gaps or other uncontrollable variables.

We care that you want your voice heard and that you want to become more active in your community.

Enjoy the content, and we will keep everyone updated on what's happening on our end.