
Sincere Thanks to our Donors

To our community of donors and supporters:

On behalf of the entire Project C team here in Athens, Ohio, I would like to extend my biggest thanks for giving your financial support to Project C and the four organizations with whom we are working to feature in this years edition.

After spending time with Good Works last year, I found myself using a simple phrase often said by the people I met: I am grateful. Today, I am so very grateful and moved by the generosity of over 50 individuals, families, friends, and businesses from not just Athens, but a multitude of locations throughout the country.

You have shown us that you care deeply about the people involved in this project, the mission of Project C, and our ultimate goal of giving of our time, service, and financial support to four outstanding organizations that work each day, to make this world a little better.

As a founder of Project C, I could not be more proud of our team who is working extremely hard to connect with you, with our organizations, and with each other. This has been a learning experience every step of the way, and throughout the last year-and-a-half, the one thing that never seems to falter is the love and support of the people surrounding us: you.

With sincere and heartfelt thanks,

Annette Drapac | Co-Founder and Co-Director

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